春分 🌸 The Vernal Equinox🇺🇦
A Japanese light bulbe joke made by me, so let’s try!
Q: Spring is coming, then how is with constructive criticism?
A: Everyone is crying!
A Japanese light bulbe joke made by me, so let’s try!
Q: Spring is coming, then how is with constructive criticism?
A: Everyone is crying!
水星 Mercury 金星 Venus
地球 Earth 火星 Mars
木星 Jupiter 土星 Saturn
天王星 Uranus 海王星 Neptune
The title “水金地火木土天海(冥)”, one sentence with 8 (9-1) ideograms = Kanji characters shows the solar system in Japanese.
Problémy byly, jsou a budou.
Jak všechno konstruktivně řešit?
Pro sebe a také pro své blízké?
Svět dětí funguje docela jinak než svět dospělých.
Většinou lidé nemají problém pochopit, že každý chce něco jiného, ale tu horní větu – titul – moc ne.
Being a girl, then a woman, a mom, a working woman…
In many situations I felt that being a woman was much harder than being a man.
I just felt so. – My feeling –
Boys & men around me “agreed👍”
So if you agree, can you try do something better for … not me😂, but for your beloved mom, sis, girlfriend, wife or daughter???
In our life, nothing is …
black or white?
What you imagine from WHITE, then from BLACK?
Today’s theme?
Working culture in Japan and Czechia!
Before I leave for the first meeting with a company, I’ll check 2 things.
You know what Google suggests? Usually a hot topic or trend about the company.
三つの顔 – Tree Faces –
My University OUSHI! (Univerzita Palackého)
provides general support for research and
education in the area of social aspects of health. OUSHI
Almost 18-year stay in Czechia tells me that here is a great culture of positive appreciation & praise.
I know some of you want to deny my theory at any cost, so let me explain.
When I was little, the following behaviours were very common in Japan.
Bon appetit!
Good to know several greetings & expressions in other languages.
Nowadays, almost everyone studies business English.
But who leaned Rap & Hip-Hop English (like me)?
I learned business English during my work, so it wasn’t hard at all.
Nowadays, almost everyone studies business English.
But who leaned Rap & Hip-Hop English (like me)😉?
I learned business English during my work, so it wasn’t hard at all.
Rap & Hip-Hop songs were much harder than contracts written in English.