In the year 3021, how will people work?
No kidding, working people?
You’ll find just working robots!
I’m just making this up? I… I don’t know. I think, at least, the Japanese-style employment system, i.e., a membership-based model might be a minor.
I’m almost sure that beer commercials are designed for its society,
for family events, couples, men or women individually, company events, etc.
Asahi Super Dry web CM shows the hard time of recruiting activities, maybe employment itself.
Can you imagine to use a theme “the first day(s) after entering the company” for beer advertisement in Europe or USA?
Mgr. Namiko Sakamoto
Často nemohu jednoduše najít některé statistiky v nějaké zemi. (Samozřejmě existují možnosti třeba se obrátit na odborníky či výzkumnou instituci.)
– Kolik lidí v jedné domácnosti trpí Alzheimerovou chorobou?